Team Approach
As an estate planning law firm, we work closely with other professional advisors, including Certified Financial Planner™ practitioners, investment advisors, financial consultants, insurance professionals, Certified Public Accountants, and tax advisors. We believe the team approach provides our clients with the most comprehensive, realistic and effective estate plan. To that end, we strive to keep you informed and involved at all stages of the estate planning process.
Client Education
Please visit our Newsletter Archive for an online library of articles on issues related to estate planning. We have posted a number of articles suitable for use as hand-outs to your clients.Joint Marketing
We are happy to work with you and to speak to your clients or prospects on estate planning issues, including estate and gift planning, generation-skipping planning, life insurance trusts, retirement plan beneficiary designations, buy-sell agreements, business succession, and other advanced topics. Please call the office if you would like to plan a workshop or a “Client Appreciation Event”.Monthly Estate Planning E-Newsletter
Each month we produce an electronic newsletter, on estate planning issues, for professional advisors like yourself. To subscribe to our monthly Estate Planning e-newsletter, simply submit the subscribe here and we will add you to our monthly e-mail list.

Appointment Form
Please use this form to set up initial consultation or an appointment